On additional skills, there isn't much but considering how tank stances will work with the adjustment that will come in the future. Yoshida is still thinking of how to address the problems of stance switching on additional skills right now. However the adjustments does not influence nor change the battle content itself, as they are created through formula calculations, and other factors. Not all skills from the specific roles itself will be shared as some skills that are job specific only will still exist. (EDIT: The fuck did I misread it as "shaping the outcome of the battle itself...") The overall new skills for Stormblood is aimed towards making it much better than the roles they are confined to, like making DRG great again more fun, or make PLD defend better, and sturdier. However, how to obtain those new skills might be different from the usual, like there will be changes in the usual "level up to a certain level, receive job quest and gain new s...
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