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Apex Legends: Developers tell us about the Meta of Season 10 and the creation of SEER

Shortly before the release of the next season, Developers from Responden Entertainment gave us more information about newcomers to come. The main novelty, and the most visible, is the release of SEER. The latter will have a role of taking information for the team, comparable to Crypto and Bloodhound. His passive allows him to hear the heartbeat of nearby enemies, while his skills offer a scan of the area close to his weapon revealing the PVs of enemies in addition to their position.

Compared to the information you have for the moment, many fans have given positive feedback on the legend; Its history could offer the place to interesting intrigues in the Royal Battle.

Much attention has been paid to its distinct personality, compared to other characters. Professional UNDanseur has been committed to create his visuals to better match his background . "The goal was to be around the mystery and elegance, but while representing our artistic form." It has been at the center of many inspirations, whether in dance, fashion and entertainment. The idea of ​​the gameplay around the legend has sprouted two years ago, with several iterations that have succeeded one another to give the result that will be unveiled with season 10.

nowhere to hide

According to Travis Nordin, Dead Developer to Seer, the character was more focused on the audio of the game. " His ultimate was similar, it was always a sphere, but she blocked the sounds . It had to be launched to fight A team, hoping there is no other squad. " But for a balancing reason, its interactions with the sounds of the game have been replaced by the interruption of its tactic or the detection of its ultimate.

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So will be the third legend to focus on taking information, which will always prevent more players waiting for the end of the fights by hiding in some places. At first glance, we might think that SEER replaces Bloodhound, somehow, with his powerful scans. But according to the developers, there are several differences that will make SEER unique. Its scan range will be lower than that of the other two legends. Since its range is lower, its skills will be more difficult to use effectively, but also more powerful in case of success (especially thanks to its interruption effect. ) It will not be one of the most accessible legends of the game.

For Travis, Seer could even have a synergy with crypto and bloodhound. The two with a scan with more range, they could help detect enemies and be accompanied by seer to take this role by arriving at short distance. Other legends helping to Rush, as returning, Valkyrie or Octane, could also be useful for set up fighting by having the advantage.

The LMG season

Regarding LMG Rampage, this weapon should be more versatile than its competitors with its loading mechanics. But it will be far from the only novelty on the weapons: Meta will change a lot on this point because the developers wanted to encourage the use of LMG weapons in general.

This will be especially the case for the L-star, which should finally be more used throughout the game thanks to its two new accessories. The other major change, which many will not necessarily notice, is the asset of acceleration of the speed of reloading that will pass loaders to the crosses (stocks). "Additional ammunition are a reason enough to take a charger, so integrate the reloading speed on the crosses is a way to make them more attractive as an accessory," explains Eric Canavese, the development of the Rampage weapon development.

The 30-30 and the G7 Scout, on the other hand, could be much more used partly since they will now be able to have sniper closses to improve their long-distance accuracy. With the shooting mode change for the 30-30, it could have a major impact on its popularity.

The 10 Emergence season will be available for free tomorrow, 3 August at 6pm, on all the platforms.


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