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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin could do an excellent soulslike

Today, on Cog consider, let's talk about one of the few real game revelations from E3 2021 - Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. This unusual and a bit awkward title belongs to a future Final Fantasy game that seems to have two main advantages. First, he is connected to the original Final Fantasy and could be a loose remake of this iconic JRPG. Secondly, it's a soul, with a combat system that recalls the Dark Souls games and a much darker tone than the previous Final Fantasy games. Or rather, a more obviously dark tone, since Final Fantasy VII is essentially a Thriller CyberPunk with magic and Final Fantasy X staged a condemned protagonist exploring a trapped world in a spiral of death. Some fans expressed their concerns about Stranger of Paradise's tone, which seems a little strange in the trailers. However, I think it could be something really excellent if Square Enix and Team Ninja can get there.

What are the main attractions of a game Soulslike? The easy answer is the complex, nuanced and extremely difficult fight, of course, but there is more than that in the equation of the soul. A strong combat system alone can not make a game as appreciated as the brutal games Soulsborne de fromSoftware have become. Aside from the fight, games like Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and the Dark Souls trilogy feature a strong visual design, haunting sound tapes and, above all, incredible levels of environmental narration. While the Final Fantasy series passes from its pure JRPG roots to action games, this last point becomes particularly important.

Final Fantasy XV was quite bland all around, but his framework of the frame left me a particularly acidic taste in the mouth. Even if I did not like the main characters or the rhythms of the story, they were useful. The design of the world of the game, however, came back horribly for the construction of the world, resulting in a framework that simply did not reflect its inhabitants or history. Given the complexity and beauty of places like Midgar and Spira, it was incredibly disappointing. I understand if EOS is bland because of the disturbed development history of Final Fantasy XV, but Stranger of Paradise offers an opportunity in Square Enix and Team Ninja to recover lost magic from the series through the prism of environmental narration.

The dark environments of Stranger of Paradise, the dark tone of the high fantasy and the apparent accent on revenge and corruption would integrate very well with both the approach of the soul of the narration and the existing themes of FINAL FANTASY. Although you can say that any return to the original Final Fantasy should be more rooted in Yoshitaka Amano's surrealist and fantastic art, I think a more realistic interpretation of the game frame still has a lot of potential, especially since We do not know much about Stranger of Paradise for now. Whether it's a simple remake of the original Final Fantasy or something else, it would be amazing to see Square Enix take some sophistication of fromSoftware for this title.


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